If you're getting acne around the chin and jawline, this could mean your lymph isn't draining properly. If it isn't draining properly then toxins get stuck underneath the skin and have to get out through the skin.
Lymphatic drainage is when the lymph in the body is moved to specific areas of the body when lymph vessels are working. This allows the lymph to drain. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the body tissues. By allowing it to drain properly, the toxins don’t build up in the body and this is why it supports skin health and acne.
Stagnation in the lymphatic system can be caused by injuries, immune illnesses, stress, compression, or more serious illnesses.
Here are a few signs that you need to support the lymphatic system:
Feeling puffy in the face and around the neck area.
Feeling sluggish and bloated.
Having low energy.
Cold hands and cold feet indicate poor circulation.
Poor digestion such as constipation.
Water retention at various points throughout the month and the female menstrual cycle.
Skin issues such as acne, dryness, or eczema from toxin build-up.
Sinus issues and blockages.
Cellulite and feeling heavy in the legs.
Immune system signs such as sore throat, colds, or recurring infections.
If you have any of these symptoms then you may be wondering how you can help give your lymphatic system some help. Here are a few ways that you can support the lymphatic system naturally to allow proper drainage:
Using gua sha tools on the face and neck area every day. When done properly, the lymph is directed towards the lymph nodes for draining.
Walking regularly and daily.
Herbal teas and more specifically diuretic teas such as dandelion, hibiscus, and green tea.
Dry body brushing for circulation and getting the lymph moving by directing it towards the lymph nodes. This is also great for exfoliation.
Alternating hot and cold showers.
Body massage and lymphatic draining massages.
Skipping and other rebounding exercises such as trampolining or sprinting.
Staying hydrated with 2 litres a day of filtered water or hydrating herbal teas without caffeine.
Hydrating fruits and vegetables such as cucumber or celery which is also a diuretic.
Let me know if you use any of these tips to help support your lymphatic system.
Melissa <3