Raise your hand if your acne makes you stressed...
One thing all of my acne clients have in common is that their acne impacts their mood and adds extra stress to their lives. Here's the kicker...the extra stress can be a trigger for acne.
I know it's the same for you.
You're waking up each morning and noticing you've got new pimples that weren't there yesterday and your stomach drops. You spend an hour looking in the mirror, picking your skin, and feeling anxious and paranoid as you apply your make-up.
You're trying to cover it up but every time you look in the mirror you feel worse and it makes you stressed.
I know because I've been there and I hear from women everyday who are just like you.
I want to encourage you to prioritise spending some time alone to bring your body back into your parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.
Today I want to provide you with my exact Parasympathetic Sunday routine to do just that. This can be 1 day or 1 hour but you deserve time for yourself.
Parasympathetic Sunday Routine
The first rule of my parasympathetic Sunday routine is no social media. I take the day away from work, emails, and Instagram and avoid any extra stress or comparison that social media brings. I encourage you to do the same.
1. Nature Walk
Being is nature is amazing for your nervous system. Take some deep breaths and listen to some affirmations. I like the Habits of a Goddess affirmations on Spotify or Toni Jones - I See Me Mantras album.
2. Light Your Favourite Candle
Choose a natural, soy or beeswax-based candle with a relaxing essential oil scent. I love Neom candles. The Happiness scent is my favourite.
3. Epsom Salt Bath
These are so relaxing because of the magnesium content. I do one every Sunday and add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a hot bath and lay there for 20 minutes.
4. Lymphatic Drainage Face, Abominal, and Leg Massage
Lymphatic drainage routines have been amazing for moving toxins around the body and reducing water retention. I love the tutorials by @detoxbyrebecca on Instagram.
5. Castor Oil Pack
These are amazing for drainage and liver detoxification as well as supporting digestion. My clients' know how much I love these!
6. LED Red Light Mask
Red LED light therapy can reduce inflammation in the skin and body and reduce pigmentation from acne scars. The mask I use is by Project E Beauty.
7. Manifestation Meditation
I love a manifestation meditation and it has helped me grow my business. This year I've been focusing on financial abundance but you can use it to manifest the clear skin or your dreams. This is my favourite meditation on YouTube.
8. Herbal Tea Blend
I love drinking a herbal tea at the perfect temperature while journalling and reading. I use pure green tea, cleaver's tea, dandelion root, dandelion leaf, and nettle tea. I use loose-leaf tea in a mixture I make at home as it's a great blend of lymphatic drainage, and kidney and liver support.
9. Journalling Affirmations
I love to journal things I'm grateful for and future manifestation affirmations. I like linking the statements to each chakra of the body and this can be used for acne too, such as:
I only speak about how clear my skin is.
I love how my skin is healing day by day.
I trust that my skin is healing and my body is becoming healthier.
I feel like clear skin is my future.
10. Reading
With manifestation as the theme of my parasympathetic Sundays, I've been reading Manifest by Roxie Nafousi and I encourage you to do the same.
I know you're ready for deeper support so you can stop feeling stressed about your acne, and start to actually clear your skin. That's why I created my 1-1 signature programme the Clear Skin Complete.
Click the button below to find out more and book a free discovery call to chat further.